Thursday 21 August 2014

Tapa Art

As part of our unit on cultural diversity we are looking at art from different cultures.
For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Tapa. Tapa is a barkcloth made in the islands of the pacific ocean such as Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. The Tapa Cloth is very important to these cultures. 
Here is a you tube clip of how Tapa is made...

We had a go at making our own tapa cloth!
Firstly we practised a range of traditional tapa patterns and then we had a go at creating some of our own designs. We chose our favourite 3 designs to use on our tapa cloth. We penciled our design onto some brown paper and then we used vivid to go over the pattern. We had to make sure that we stayed in the lines and made our patterns nice and bold! We then used brown dye to dye the paper. The fun part was scrunching up our artwork into a tight ball and opening it back up - this gave it the tapa cloth effect.
We are very proud of our tapa art!

1 comment:

  1. To Room 12,
    We love your tapa cloth because its very creative and you have used cool designs. We like the colours and the way you designed it.

    Love from Room 15
