Wednesday 6 August 2014


This term as part of our inquiry topic on cultural diversity we have been looking at aspects of the Maori culture. We decided to learn a poi song and dance. For the past couple of weeks during art we have been making our own poi. 

Here is what we did...

Firstly we twisted two pieces of wool together with our partner. We had to keep twisting until the wool was nice and tight.

Some of us turned the wool into a bar and enjoyed a game of limbo!

We then had to bring the two ends of the wool together to make the string thicker. We enjoyed watching the two sides spiral together. We then tied the two ends in a knot.

Once we had made the string we needed to make the top of the poi. We did this by pushing some stuffing through a hole in the top of our string.

Once we had placed the stuffing through the string we had to wrap a plastic bag around the string and stuffing.

Miss Fisher then cello-taped around the bottom of the poi and cut off the extra plastic bag.

We love playing with our pois!


  1. How lucky to have your very own poi. Room 7 would love to see your poi song and dance.

    1. Thank for your comment Room 7. We are enjoying learning our poi dance and look forward to showing it to you :)

  2. Maori people used to use the poi as a weapon when they saw attackers coming. They also used the poi to build their strength and flexibility. I am enjoying learning a poi dance.

  3. Wow these are very cool! We would love to see your poi dance some time! Perhaps you can all come and show room 18? :)
