Friday 29 August 2014

Singing Award

Room 12 love singing and today at assembly we received the best singing award.
 We were very excited!

Daffodil Day

Today was Daffodil Day and Room 12 was filled with lots of bright yellow items in support of this great cause. 
Halsey Drive raised over $1000 for the cancer society!

Class Photo

I have such a beautiful class!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Calendar Art

Here is a sneak peak of some of our amazing calendar art!
We painted our own paper, created a sunflower stencil and then created a beautiful flower garden collage.

The calendar art will be on display in the school hall on Tuesday 2nd of September between 8:30am and 4:15pm.

There are calendars, diaries, cards and mouse mats available for sale. 

Calendars - $12
Diaries - $16
Cards - $12.50
Mouse mat - $13.50

Order forms will be sent home next week. 
The money raised from the calendar art will help provide more ICT equipment for the students. 
We appreciate your support! 

Monday 25 August 2014


This term we have been looking at hygiene. 
Hygiene is keeping ourselves clean and healthy.
Have a look at these pic collages we made about ways in which we can stay clean and healthy...

Cross Country

On Friday we had the school cross country. 
We had perfect weather for it and had lots of fun dressing up up in our house colours. 
We had spent weeks training for this event and all our hard work and dedication paid off. We all ran a great race!
Well done to James, Danyon and Mischa who all placed in the top 3! 

Here are a few photos of the day :)

Friday 22 August 2014

Tidy Kiwis

Look what we received at assembly today for having the tidiest area in the school! We are such tidy kiwis :) 

Thursday 21 August 2014

Tapa Art

As part of our unit on cultural diversity we are looking at art from different cultures.
For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Tapa. Tapa is a barkcloth made in the islands of the pacific ocean such as Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. The Tapa Cloth is very important to these cultures. 
Here is a you tube clip of how Tapa is made...

We had a go at making our own tapa cloth!
Firstly we practised a range of traditional tapa patterns and then we had a go at creating some of our own designs. We chose our favourite 3 designs to use on our tapa cloth. We penciled our design onto some brown paper and then we used vivid to go over the pattern. We had to make sure that we stayed in the lines and made our patterns nice and bold! We then used brown dye to dye the paper. The fun part was scrunching up our artwork into a tight ball and opening it back up - this gave it the tapa cloth effect.
We are very proud of our tapa art!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Cross Country

For the past few weeks Room 12 have been training super hard for the school cross country! 
The cross country is taking place this Friday (22nd August). Students need to have appropriate running gear in their house colours to run in. The children will come to school in their school uniform and get changed into their running gear at lunch time.

We will be having an early lunch and the races will begin at 1:00pm with the year 0-1s running first.

You are more than welcome to come and support your child :)

Monday 18 August 2014

The Shark's Awesome Poems

Today the Sharks read a poem called 'Spiders'. 
They then had a go at writing their own poem about an insect of their choice. 
They did a wonderful job at making their poems rhyme!
Here are some of their poems...


Today the octopuses read a book about Strawberries. They then had to identify 5 key ideas from the text and create a pic collage. Their collage had to include a title, 5 key ideas, 5 photos and their name.
They did a wonderful job!

Friday 15 August 2014


Here are some photos of our Wednesday gymnastics sessions with Flaminio. We participate in activities that build our co-ordination, balance, strength and flexibility. At the start of every lesson we have to warm up and stretch so that we don't injure ourselves. 
We have lots of fun!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Adding Two Digit Numbers

The Pyramids have been learning to add two digit numbers where the sum of the ones is less than ten.
They are able to confidently solve these types equations and can clearly explain their strategies. 
They created these educreations to share their learning...

Jack      Joanna      Eliza      Amelia    Danyon    James       Micah      Noah      

The Fire Drill

The other week during lunch time the fire alarm went off! 
The fire brigade turned up with their lights and sirens flashing.
Only this wasn't a planned fire drill...
Have a read of some of our awesome recounts to find out what happened...

Weeee oooo weee ooo! It was a hot, sunny day and the beautiful birds were chirping in the trees when suddenly I heard a loud noise. I had to rush to the courts. When I got there all of the children were lined up like soldiers and Miss Fisher was taking the roll to make sure everyone was there. Then Anchal went to tell Mrs Strang that Room 12 were all safe. Next thing we knew a gigantic red fire truck came rushing through the school gate like a lion hunting. After that the firemen showed up in their safety suits and red helmets. Once the firemen had given us the 'all clear' we zoomed back out to play to make the most of the little bit of lunch time that we had left. It was a very chaotic lunchtime!

"Weeeee ooooo weeeee ooooo fire drill!" It was a hot, sunny day and the birds were chirping in the trees when suddenly a weird sound came straight in my ear. It sounded like controls flashing in the sun shine. Everyone was running around like crazy cheetahs. I was the first one to sit in line and Joanna was the second. Then Miss Fisher got the roll of names and said it out loud. Next I told Mrs Strang that Room 12 were all here. Suddenly firemen showed up in their big, red firetruck wearing helmets that were bright yellow and really shiny. They checked the staffroom and it seemed that it was only smoke. Then we got to go and play on the playground. It was an exciting and chaotic lunchtime!

Wow! The fire alarm went off. I was frightened because we have never had a fire drill during lunchtime before. I was wondering what on earth had happened? Then Mr Shinn said, "Get off the turf!" I quickly sprinted to the courts. When I got there Miss Fisher was taking the roll. All 26 of us were here. I was very happy but worried in a way as well. A fire truck came zooming in the school gate and after that they rushed to the staffroom to check that everything was ok. Then they came out of the staffroom and said a few words to us. They were dressed in a red helmet and a yellow and red safety vest. They also had on a red fire proof jacket. Then Mrs Ritchie told all the classes one by one to go and play again. We only had a little bit of lunch time left. You are probably wondering what had happened? Well Mrs Ritchie burnt her toast! What a chaotic lunch time!  

"Weeeeee ooooo weeeee oooooo" I was playing soccer with my friends when suddenly a loud pitched noise echoed across the whole school. The whole school had to assemble on the courts but we were still on the turf. Then Mr Shinn yelled, "get off the turf!" We had to run to our class lines and Miss Fisher was calling out the roll. Then Miss Fisher told Anchal to tell Mrs Strang that we were all safe. Anchal went to tell Mrs Strang and then she came back and sat down. Next Mrs Ritchie explained how she had burnt her toast - but she asked us to keep it a secret. Suddenly a big, ginormous, red fire truck came zooming through the school gate. Two firemen came out of the big fire truck with their red and yellow helmet and their special clothes that don't catch on fire. They went up to the smokey staffroom to check that it was safe, then they came back down and gave us the 'all clear' sign. Then we went back to play. It was a very chaotic lunchtime!    

"Weee oooo weeee ooo!" "There is a fire!" I thought "what could be happening?" On a sunny Monday afternoon I was playing outside and suddenly there was a really loud fire alarm sound. So I raced to the courts like a motorbike and sat down on the hard ground. After that Miss Fisher called the roll to make sure that everyone was safe. Then Anchal let Mrs Strang know that everyone was here. Suddenly a big, red fire truck came to our school and some people with their handsome fire suits and fire gear came out of the truck. They then had a look to make sure that the staffroom was ok. Next they came to the courts to tell us that everything was ok. After that we ran as fast as we could to go and make the most of the little bit of lunchtime that we had left. It was a crazy lunchtime!

"Weee oooo weee ooooo! Please evacuate the building!" I was enjoying my lunch when suddenly the fire alarm went off and everybody had to assemble on the courts. I sprinted to find my class and when I got there Miss Fisher was taking the roll. After she had finished taking the roll Anchal went and told Mrs Strang that Room 12 were all here and safe. Next thing we knew a ginormous red firetruck came zooming towards us and two firemen stepped out of the firetruck. After that the two firemen checked the staffroom and then they came out of the staffroom and told us that everything was ok. We then went back out to play. When the alarm went off I felt scared and I bet you're wondering what caused all this smoke... Well Mrs Ritchie burnt her toast! It was a very exciting lunchtime!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Auckland Museum

On Monday we were lucky enough to go to the Auckland Museum as part of our inquiry unit on cultural diversity. 
We travelled to the museum on a double decker bus, which we thought was pretty exciting! We had so much fun exploring the museum and having a go at some of the hands on activities. We loved learning about the Wharenui and the stories behind the carvings, weavings and paintings. Our favourite story was the creation story about Ranginui and Papatuanuku, the earth mother and sky father. We also got to learn a haka - that was our favourite part!

A BIG thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers! This trip wouldn't have been possible without you! 
A special thank you also to Mrs Lovie (Amelia's mum) for the wonderful photos :)

Friday 8 August 2014

Cultures in Room 12

We have lots of different cultures in Room 12. 
Here are some pic collages we made about our cultures...

Trip to Museum

Just a reminder that next Monday (11th August) we have our class trip to the museum. Please ensure that your child is at school by 8:50am. Their lunch needs to be named plastic bag and please supply them with a named drink bottle. We will be returning to school at around 2:30pm. Thank you to those parent helpers who have offered to help :)

Thursday 7 August 2014

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Today the Sharks and a few of the Starfish used the app 'Puppet Pals' to create a puppet show of the story 
'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. 
They used lots of expression and did a fantastic job acting out each of the characters. 

Here are a couple of the puppet shows for you to watch...

Sphere's Educreations

The Spheres have been working on adding more than three numbers by first finding pairs that add to ten. 
They created these educreations showing how they solved their equation. They were able to very clearly explain how they got their answer! We think they did an amazing job.

Click on the links below to view their educreations...

Rohan    Brianna    Kayla    Prisha      
Liam     Khushi     Jaiveer  Ben          Anchal   Prianka    Alina

Commonwealth Games Day

On Tuesday we had our Halsey Drive School Commonwealth Games! It was a fun day filled with lots of different sporting activities. We loved dressing up in our countries colours! There was lots of cheering and chanting for each of the countries! 
Well done to Pakistan who was the overall winner :)

Wednesday 6 August 2014


This term as part of our inquiry topic on cultural diversity we have been looking at aspects of the Maori culture. We decided to learn a poi song and dance. For the past couple of weeks during art we have been making our own poi. 

Here is what we did...

Firstly we twisted two pieces of wool together with our partner. We had to keep twisting until the wool was nice and tight.

Some of us turned the wool into a bar and enjoyed a game of limbo!

We then had to bring the two ends of the wool together to make the string thicker. We enjoyed watching the two sides spiral together. We then tied the two ends in a knot.

Once we had made the string we needed to make the top of the poi. We did this by pushing some stuffing through a hole in the top of our string.

Once we had placed the stuffing through the string we had to wrap a plastic bag around the string and stuffing.

Miss Fisher then cello-taped around the bottom of the poi and cut off the extra plastic bag.

We love playing with our pois!

Monday 4 August 2014

Culture Poplets

Last week we created poplets showing what we know about culture. Our poplet had to include 5 ideas about culture and we had to give at least 3 examples for each of our ideas. 

We did an amazing job coming up with lots of different ideas and examples about culture. 

Sunday 3 August 2014

Maths Evening

Thank you to all the parents who attended the maths evening on Thursday. We hope you came away with some ideas of how you can be supporting your child's maths learning at home. Here is a slide show of some of card games you can be playing with your child to consolidate their number knowledge. 
Cards games can make maths learning fun!

Friday 1 August 2014

Commonwealth Games Day

Next Tuesday (5th August) we are having a Commonwealth Games day at school. Students have been designated a country and are encouraged to wear that countries colours. There will be lots of running, jumping and crawling so please ensure your child is dressed in appropriate sporting gear. 
Its going to be a fun day filled with lots of different sporting activities! 

Please have a look at the slideshow below to see what country your child is representing. I have also included a picture of the country's flag so the students know what colours to come dressed in :)