Wednesday 17 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a very happy and safe christmas!
Been an amazing year with such a beautiful class! 
I am so proud of every single one of these kids :) 

Jump Jam All Stars

Yesterday the whole school gathered on the courts for some Jump Jam. Check out our awesome moves!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

2014 Reflections

Last week Room 12 reflected on their time in Year 2 and wrote about some of their most memorable moments. 
Watch the video below to hear Bryan, Jaiveer, Khushi and Amelia's reflection... 

Sunday 14 December 2014

When I grow up...

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in whatever direction you choose"
-Dr Seuss

I can't believe we are down to our final few days of school! This year has gone so fast.
 I am so proud of every single one of these kids! 

Friday 12 December 2014

Christmas Dress Up Day

Room 12 looked lovely and festive today dressed up in their favourite christmas accessories...

Thursday 11 December 2014

Gingerbread Cookies

Have a look at our delicious gingerbread cookies!
We used our fantastic measuring skills to measure out each of the ingredients and had lots of fun decorating them with icing and sprinkles.

Monday 8 December 2014


This term we have been learning about capacity. 
Have a look at these pic collages we made about the different units of measure for volume and weight...

Sunday 7 December 2014

Christmas Stockings

Our Christmas Stockings are finally finished and they look amazing! 
Here are some photos of us hard at work...

We created our own stencils of christmas patterns and designs that we wanted on our stocking.

We placed our stencil underneath the fabric and followed the outline using a special paste made up of flour and water. 

We painted our stockings using bright colours, being very careful to stay within the lines.

We went out side and peeled off the hardened paste. This left a clear white outline around each of our designs.

A few of our finished products! 

Making Berry Smoothies

As part of our instructional writing unit we made delicious berry smoothies! 
Here is how you can make your own berry smoothie!

1. Measure 200g of mixed berries and add to blender.

2. Measure 200g of berry yoghurt and add to blender.

3. Peel a banana and add to blender.

4. Pour milk into the blender until all ingredients are covered.

5. Turn the blender on high.

6. Leave the blender on until all ingredients are combined.

7. Pour smoothie into cups.

8. Drink and enjoy!

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Buddy Reading with Room 18

We had a lovely visit to Room 18 last Friday to share our publishing books with them. Thank you for letting us visit Room 18 we had lots of fun :)

Monday 24 November 2014

Space Cat

Have a look at these poplets the Dolphins made describing the two cats from their story...

Saturday 22 November 2014

Slip Slop Slap & Wrap

Have a look at these awesome puppet pal movies we created sharing a sun safety message!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Chickens and Ducklings visit Room 12

Yesterday we had some very special visitors come visit us in Room 12. Noah's grandma brought in some chickens and ducklings for us to meet. They were so cute and we even got to pat and hold the baby chickens. She even showed us some eggs that look different to the ones that we buy from the supermarket... we had to be very careful when we held them so that they didn't crack!

Thank you so much Mrs Graham for taking time out of your day to come and visit us. We loved learning about the chickens and ducklings and enjoyed having the opportunity to pat and hold the little chickens :)  

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Key Facts

Have a look at the pic collages that the Dolphins and Octopuses created for their reading follow up activity.  
The Dolphins read an article called 'Dancing With Bees' and the Octopuses read a book about cats. 
They had to identify some key ideas from the text to include in their poster.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Zone Athletics

James and Mischa are off to compete at the zone athletics today. They are competing in the sprints. 
We are very proud of them!

Friday 14 November 2014

What Am I?

Room 12 have been writing animal descriptions.
Have a read of some of our descriptions and see if you can guess what we are...

Fold a Flower

Yesterday the sharks read some instructions on how to fold a flower. They then had to carefully follow the instructions to create their own flower. 
Here is what they did...

They firstly cut some straight strips of coloured paper 7cm wide. They then folded the piece of paper to make a triangle and cut off the extra paper. 

They folded two of the triangles corners over to the other side of the triangle to make a pentagon shape.

After they had a made a whole lot of little pentagons they arranged them into a circle and glued them down onto a piece of card to make a flower.

Monday 10 November 2014

Friday 7 November 2014

SPCA Mufti Day

Room 12 had lots of fun dressing up as animals to help raise money for the SPCA :)
Have a look at our awesome costumes...

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Sun Safety

Have a look at our Sun Safety posters...

Helicopter Recounts

Room 12 have been trying really hard to add lots of detail to their writing! 
Have a read of some of our awesome helicopter recounts! They have used wonderful hook sentences to start their story...

Woosh! The helicopter was zooming and its propeller was swinging across the air like a plane. We saw the helicopter on Friday. It was a happy sunny morning. Room 12 saw the helicopter across the road from school. It was dropping a path of gravel down to the beach. When I arrived at school everyone was talking about the helicopter. I thought they were joking but they were talking seriously. The helicopter was black and white. Its spinning top was humming softly like a bee. We begged Miss Fisher to go and have a look at the shiny helicopter. After that we lined up like soldiers in the army and sensibly walked to the front gate. We saw the helicopter loading up. After we had gazed at the helicopter we marched back to class. Suddenly we heard a deep noise and so we sprinted outside to see what was going on. It was the big black and white helicopter barging through the air like a plane swishing from the strong wind. We rushed outside and stood on the brown seats and watched it fly through the strong wind. Finally the helicopter zoomed like a rocket through the clouds and landed at the reserve. We went back to class and carried on with our writing. It was a big, exciting morning.  

Brrrrrm! I heard the helicopters propeller swirling and whirling through the wind. I felt extremely excited. It was a hot, yellow, sunny day and the helicopter was dropping dark grey gravel to make a path to the hot beach. The helicopter landed across the road from school. I felt excited because we were allowed to go and have a look at the black and white helicopter. We marched along to the footpath and when we got there we stared at the helicopter happily and said, "wow look at the helicopter!" The helicopter was red and white and said 'hop' on it. It made a humming noise like an angry bee disturbed in its dark yellow bee hive. The helicopter felt like red roses twirling in the wind. It looked like a big black and white elephant with no trunk. After we had finished staring at the helicopter happily, Room 12 skipped proudly back to class to finish our writing. Suddenly we heard the helicopter's soft humming noise again. We rushed back outside to gaze at the helicopter. When we got there we saw the helicopter twirling in the wind. We jumped on the seats as if we were trying to jump into the sky and we gazed at the helicopter as if it were a statue looking at the sky happily. I was so excited. I wanted to jump on the helicopter and fly all around the world and say hello to everyone. Finally the red and white helicopter landed on the soft green ground like a beautiful, white bird. Then we went back to class. It was a spectacular day!

Look! A Helicopter with shiny, big, silver blades flying through the sky! On Friday Room 12 saw the helicopter across the road on the reserve. They were making a gravel path to go down to the sparkling beach. When I got to school everyone was talking about the helicopter. Then we heard a sounded like a bee. Then we saw the helicopter. We begged Miss Fisher like a dog that wants to have a bone, to go and have a look and she said yes! We ran like cheetahs to the seats. We happily jumped on the hard wooden seats and then we saw the helicopter. After that we went back to writing. I felt sad that the helicopter was gone but I was still happy that we got to see it!

Woosh! I heard a thick noise coming from the sky. On Friday a helicopter was putting dry, grey gravel on the ground to make a path to the beach. Room 12 were excited because we were allowed to go see the helicopter. We begged Miss Fisher and then we lined up like soccer players going onto a field. When I saw the helicopter it was black and white. I heard the helicopters propeller, it sounded like a birds wings. After we had finished gazing at the shiny striped helicopter, we went back to class quietly. We had just started our writing when suddenly we heard a strange noise coming from the library. It was the helicopter! We ran as fast as lightning out the classroom and jumped on the seats like dogs. Next we made our way back to class feeling very excited. Finally the helicopter slowly lowered down onto the reserve. This made me feel amazed because Room 12 had never seen a helicopter close up before.

Zoom! The propeller was going so fast that the helicopter lifted off the ground. On Friday the helicopter landed on the reserve in front of school. It was dropping gravel to make a path to the beach. Everyone was looking and talking about the big helicopter. We lined up to see the big helicopter. The helicopter was red and white and said 'hop' at the the front. Room 12 were staring at the helicopter and Miss Fisher took some photos. After that we walked back to class to do our writing silently. Suddenly a loud noise interrupted our writing. We ran outside to see the helicopter fly past the clouds, with a black tube dropping gravel to make a path. The helicopter went up and down four times. Then we went back to class. I had a fantastic day. 

Weeeeee! The helicopter was flying through the air like a bird. We lined up like soldiers. It looked like we were going on a trip. We walked to the front gate and the helicopter was like a bird flying in the air. We were jumping on the seats like monkeys, but we're not monkey we are humans. We got puffed from jumping on the seats. Next we tip toed like mice back to class and continued writing quietly like good kids.

Swish! I heard the super fast propeller on the helicopter whizzing through the air like a spinning top. On Friday Room 12 went to see a helicopter. It was an exciting day. They were making a gravel path to the beach. The helicopter was black and white and on the helicopter it said 'hop'. We marched to the helicopter like rugby players. When we saw the helicopter the propeller was spinning in the air and we were standing on the footpath watching. The propeller sounded like a humming bird. Room 12 wanted to go inside the helicopter but the sign on the wet grass near the helicopter said 'Danger'. Then Miss Fisher took a photo of Room 12 by the helicopter. After that we tiptoed back to class. Suddenly on our way back to class the helicopter was flying and we were jumping up and down like a kangaroo bouncing in the jungle. We then lined up like zombies and went back to class to continue our writing.

Wow! I saw a huge helicopter flying through the blue sky. On Friday Room 12 saw a huge helicopter opposite our school. The helicopter was there to make a path way. When my dad dropped me to school I saw the helicopter and it said 'hop' on it. Then Miss Fisher said we can go see the helicopter, so we lined up in a straight line and walked quietly to the gate. When we got there we stopped as fast as we could. We wanted to cross the road but we needed permission. Some of Room 12 said, "we can dodge the cars." While we were walking back slowly to the classroom for writing we suddenly saw the helicopter in the blue sky. Then we saw other classes. They wanted to look at the helicopter too. We jumped as high as we could to see the helicopter. When the helicopter had disappeared we slowly walked back to class feeling amazed because we got to see the red helicopter. 

Woosh! I saw the helicopter buzzing like a bee in the sky and it was awesome! Then it was zooming like an eagle in the sky. We ran to the window and begged Miss Fisher to take us outside to have a look. We lined up like soldiers. We went outside and we were talking about the big helicopter. We heard the helicopter's propeller spinning around really fast. When we saw the helicopter it was as loud as a shark. Next we heard people shouting like a magpie. The footpath was as hard as a rock floating down the hills. The helicopters colours were black, white and red. It was as ginormous as a bear. Next we went back to class. We were writing when we heard a loud noise like a bee poking us. I saw the sun shining like my heart beating. I love the sun it is so shiny and it's lovely like a diamond in the sky. I love the sky because its my favourite colour. It is like a blue bird flying. The helicopters propeller was spinning like a ballerina. Finally the helicopter disappeared like a magician doing magic in his hat. It flew to the top of the blue sky and we tiptoed back to class.

Monday 3 November 2014

SPCA Mufti Day

There is a mufti day this Thursday (6th November). We are raising money for the SPCA. Children can dress up as animals or simply wear mufti. All children that are not in uniform have to bring $2.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Mum's New Shoes

As part of their reading follow up activity for the story 'Mum's New Shoes' the octopuses had to design a new pair of shoes for mum. They then had to create an advertisement for their shoes on pic collage. 
Have a look at Adrian and Micah's poster...


Room 12 have been learning to find fractions of shapes. They created these edu-creations to share their learning...

Click on a name below to view their creation :)

Jack & Alina           Prisha & Prianka  

Khushi & Mischa        Anchal & Siraj 

Kyza & Danyon          Jaiveer & Alex

Amelia    Ben          Kayla & Micah     

Bryan & Anchal         Joanna & Liam

Friday 24 October 2014

Colar Mix

Today we had some fun with a new i-pad app called Colar Mix. This is an app that turns our pictures 3D! 
Have a look at our Diwali pictures :)

Diwali Candles

Have a look at these beautiful candles we created for Diwali! We made them from salt dough and placed a tea light candle inside. We had so much fun painting and decorating them with jewels and glitter. We are so proud of how they turned out! 
Here are some photos of our finished product...

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali from Room 12!
Room 12 had a wonderful day celebrating Diwali! 
Thank you to all those students who dressed up :) 
It was wonderful seeing so many bright colours. 
You all looked beautiful! 

Thursday 23 October 2014


This term for science we are looking at systems.
Today we defined a system and came up with examples of different systems in our world.
Have a look at the pic collages we made...

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Poi Performance

Here is the video of our poi performance from last term...

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Shark's Poems

Here are some of the Shark's poems they wrote as a reading follow up activity last week...

Saturday 18 October 2014

Fraction Pizzas!

Last week Room 12 cooked up a storm! We made Fraction Pizzas topped with our favourite ingredients.
Here are some photos of us hard at work...


Yesterday a helicopter landed outside our school! 

Friday 17 October 2014

The octopuses have been working on reading with expression. Here is a video of Mischa reading an excerpt from the story 'Mr Whisper's Sore Ears'. 
She did a fantastic job adjusting her voice for each of the different characters.

Monday 13 October 2014


With the end of the year creeping upon us we decided to reflect on our learning from last term and set some goals for this term. Our goal had to link to one aspect of our learning and we had to explain how we are going to achieve our goal. 
Here are our Term 4 goals...


Just a reminder that the children need to have their sunhat at school this term. 
The school hat can be purchased from 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Poi Performance

Last term we performed our poi dance at full school assembly. We looked great dressed in our black t-shirts and moari headbands. 
Thank you to all those parents who came and supported us! Here are some photos of our performance :) 

Friday 3 October 2014

Japanese Blossoms

Last Friday we had lots of fun creating Japanese Blossoms (Thanks Room 11 for the great idea!)
We firstly had to put a blob of dye on our piece of paper and blow really hard through a straw to spread the dye out over the paper to look like branches. We then made some different shades of pink using the white and pink paint. We had lots of fun finger painting the blossoms onto the branches.
Have a look at these photos of us creating our beautiful Japanese Blossoms...

Thursday 25 September 2014

Guide Dogs

After yesterdays visit from Leila we decided to research some more information about guide dogs.
We identified some key ideas and created a pic collage sharing our new learning... 


Yesterday we had a very special visitor come visit us in Room 12. Noah's mum bought their puppy Leila into class for us to meet. Leila is a very special dog because she is training to be a guide dog. 
Thank you so much Mrs Pin for taking time out of your day to bring Leila into meet us and for teaching us about guide dogs. We loved meeting Leila and thought she was just wonderful!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Cultural Diversity - Clothing

As part of our inquiry unit on Cultural Diversity we have been looking at clothing from different cultures. Some children from Room 12 brought in clothing from their culture to share with the rest of the class. 
Here are some photos of the students dressed in their cultures clothing...





Monday 22 September 2014

Letters to Room 18

Our letters to Room 18 are all ready to be delivered :)

Telling the Time

These past few weeks we have been learning how to tell the time. Here is a link to great website that children can practise with at home :)


Just a reminder that the Year 2s will be performing their poi dance at full school assembly this Friday at 1:30pm. 
Could the students please bring a named black t-shirt to school by Wednesday to wear during the performance.
 Feel free to come along on Friday and support Room 12 and the other Year 2 students. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Letters From Room 18

Yesterday we received letters from our friends in Room 18. They were such lovely letters which had been decorated so beautifully. We have been busy this week replying to our pen pal. Here are a few photos of us receiving our letters :)

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Koru Art

Have a look at our amazing koru designs!
For this unit we learnt about warm and cool colours and  created a contrast between our koru and our background. We also learnt how to blend colours. 
We had lots of fun creating these korus and are so proud of how they turned out. 

Thank you Letters

We have been learning how to write a letter. 
Last week we did a wonderful job writing thank you letters to our parent helpers that came with us to the museum. 
We used the correct letter format and shared some of our favourite museum experiences.  
Here are a few of our lovely letters...

Wednesday 10 September 2014


As part of our inquiry unit on cultural diversity we have been looking at art from different cultures. 
Today we were so lucky to have Khushi's mum and friend come in and do Mehndi on our hands.
Have a look at these photos to see some of the beautiful patterns and designs...

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Multiplication Masters

The Spheres and Pyramids have been learning to understand and solve multiplication problems. 
They created these educreations to share their learning...

Ben     Rohan    Noah     Bryan  

Friday 29 August 2014

Singing Award

Room 12 love singing and today at assembly we received the best singing award.
 We were very excited!

Daffodil Day

Today was Daffodil Day and Room 12 was filled with lots of bright yellow items in support of this great cause. 
Halsey Drive raised over $1000 for the cancer society!

Class Photo

I have such a beautiful class!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Calendar Art

Here is a sneak peak of some of our amazing calendar art!
We painted our own paper, created a sunflower stencil and then created a beautiful flower garden collage.

The calendar art will be on display in the school hall on Tuesday 2nd of September between 8:30am and 4:15pm.

There are calendars, diaries, cards and mouse mats available for sale. 

Calendars - $12
Diaries - $16
Cards - $12.50
Mouse mat - $13.50

Order forms will be sent home next week. 
The money raised from the calendar art will help provide more ICT equipment for the students. 
We appreciate your support! 

Monday 25 August 2014


This term we have been looking at hygiene. 
Hygiene is keeping ourselves clean and healthy.
Have a look at these pic collages we made about ways in which we can stay clean and healthy...

Cross Country

On Friday we had the school cross country. 
We had perfect weather for it and had lots of fun dressing up up in our house colours. 
We had spent weeks training for this event and all our hard work and dedication paid off. We all ran a great race!
Well done to James, Danyon and Mischa who all placed in the top 3! 

Here are a few photos of the day :)

Friday 22 August 2014

Tidy Kiwis

Look what we received at assembly today for having the tidiest area in the school! We are such tidy kiwis :) 

Thursday 21 August 2014

Tapa Art

As part of our unit on cultural diversity we are looking at art from different cultures.
For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Tapa. Tapa is a barkcloth made in the islands of the pacific ocean such as Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. The Tapa Cloth is very important to these cultures. 
Here is a you tube clip of how Tapa is made...

We had a go at making our own tapa cloth!
Firstly we practised a range of traditional tapa patterns and then we had a go at creating some of our own designs. We chose our favourite 3 designs to use on our tapa cloth. We penciled our design onto some brown paper and then we used vivid to go over the pattern. We had to make sure that we stayed in the lines and made our patterns nice and bold! We then used brown dye to dye the paper. The fun part was scrunching up our artwork into a tight ball and opening it back up - this gave it the tapa cloth effect.
We are very proud of our tapa art!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Cross Country

For the past few weeks Room 12 have been training super hard for the school cross country! 
The cross country is taking place this Friday (22nd August). Students need to have appropriate running gear in their house colours to run in. The children will come to school in their school uniform and get changed into their running gear at lunch time.

We will be having an early lunch and the races will begin at 1:00pm with the year 0-1s running first.

You are more than welcome to come and support your child :)