Tuesday 4 November 2014

Helicopter Recounts

Room 12 have been trying really hard to add lots of detail to their writing! 
Have a read of some of our awesome helicopter recounts! They have used wonderful hook sentences to start their story...

Woosh! The helicopter was zooming and its propeller was swinging across the air like a plane. We saw the helicopter on Friday. It was a happy sunny morning. Room 12 saw the helicopter across the road from school. It was dropping a path of gravel down to the beach. When I arrived at school everyone was talking about the helicopter. I thought they were joking but they were talking seriously. The helicopter was black and white. Its spinning top was humming softly like a bee. We begged Miss Fisher to go and have a look at the shiny helicopter. After that we lined up like soldiers in the army and sensibly walked to the front gate. We saw the helicopter loading up. After we had gazed at the helicopter we marched back to class. Suddenly we heard a deep noise and so we sprinted outside to see what was going on. It was the big black and white helicopter barging through the air like a plane swishing from the strong wind. We rushed outside and stood on the brown seats and watched it fly through the strong wind. Finally the helicopter zoomed like a rocket through the clouds and landed at the reserve. We went back to class and carried on with our writing. It was a big, exciting morning.  

Brrrrrm! I heard the helicopters propeller swirling and whirling through the wind. I felt extremely excited. It was a hot, yellow, sunny day and the helicopter was dropping dark grey gravel to make a path to the hot beach. The helicopter landed across the road from school. I felt excited because we were allowed to go and have a look at the black and white helicopter. We marched along to the footpath and when we got there we stared at the helicopter happily and said, "wow look at the helicopter!" The helicopter was red and white and said 'hop' on it. It made a humming noise like an angry bee disturbed in its dark yellow bee hive. The helicopter felt like red roses twirling in the wind. It looked like a big black and white elephant with no trunk. After we had finished staring at the helicopter happily, Room 12 skipped proudly back to class to finish our writing. Suddenly we heard the helicopter's soft humming noise again. We rushed back outside to gaze at the helicopter. When we got there we saw the helicopter twirling in the wind. We jumped on the seats as if we were trying to jump into the sky and we gazed at the helicopter as if it were a statue looking at the sky happily. I was so excited. I wanted to jump on the helicopter and fly all around the world and say hello to everyone. Finally the red and white helicopter landed on the soft green ground like a beautiful, white bird. Then we went back to class. It was a spectacular day!

Look! A Helicopter with shiny, big, silver blades flying through the sky! On Friday Room 12 saw the helicopter across the road on the reserve. They were making a gravel path to go down to the sparkling beach. When I got to school everyone was talking about the helicopter. Then we heard a sound...it sounded like a bee. Then we saw the helicopter. We begged Miss Fisher like a dog that wants to have a bone, to go and have a look and she said yes! We ran like cheetahs to the seats. We happily jumped on the hard wooden seats and then we saw the helicopter. After that we went back to writing. I felt sad that the helicopter was gone but I was still happy that we got to see it!

Woosh! I heard a thick noise coming from the sky. On Friday a helicopter was putting dry, grey gravel on the ground to make a path to the beach. Room 12 were excited because we were allowed to go see the helicopter. We begged Miss Fisher and then we lined up like soccer players going onto a field. When I saw the helicopter it was black and white. I heard the helicopters propeller, it sounded like a birds wings. After we had finished gazing at the shiny striped helicopter, we went back to class quietly. We had just started our writing when suddenly we heard a strange noise coming from the library. It was the helicopter! We ran as fast as lightning out the classroom and jumped on the seats like dogs. Next we made our way back to class feeling very excited. Finally the helicopter slowly lowered down onto the reserve. This made me feel amazed because Room 12 had never seen a helicopter close up before.

Zoom! The propeller was going so fast that the helicopter lifted off the ground. On Friday the helicopter landed on the reserve in front of school. It was dropping gravel to make a path to the beach. Everyone was looking and talking about the big helicopter. We lined up to see the big helicopter. The helicopter was red and white and said 'hop' at the the front. Room 12 were staring at the helicopter and Miss Fisher took some photos. After that we walked back to class to do our writing silently. Suddenly a loud noise interrupted our writing. We ran outside to see the helicopter fly past the clouds, with a black tube dropping gravel to make a path. The helicopter went up and down four times. Then we went back to class. I had a fantastic day. 

Weeeeee! The helicopter was flying through the air like a bird. We lined up like soldiers. It looked like we were going on a trip. We walked to the front gate and the helicopter was like a bird flying in the air. We were jumping on the seats like monkeys, but we're not monkey we are humans. We got puffed from jumping on the seats. Next we tip toed like mice back to class and continued writing quietly like good kids.

Swish! I heard the super fast propeller on the helicopter whizzing through the air like a spinning top. On Friday Room 12 went to see a helicopter. It was an exciting day. They were making a gravel path to the beach. The helicopter was black and white and on the helicopter it said 'hop'. We marched to the helicopter like rugby players. When we saw the helicopter the propeller was spinning in the air and we were standing on the footpath watching. The propeller sounded like a humming bird. Room 12 wanted to go inside the helicopter but the sign on the wet grass near the helicopter said 'Danger'. Then Miss Fisher took a photo of Room 12 by the helicopter. After that we tiptoed back to class. Suddenly on our way back to class the helicopter was flying and we were jumping up and down like a kangaroo bouncing in the jungle. We then lined up like zombies and went back to class to continue our writing.

Wow! I saw a huge helicopter flying through the blue sky. On Friday Room 12 saw a huge helicopter opposite our school. The helicopter was there to make a path way. When my dad dropped me to school I saw the helicopter and it said 'hop' on it. Then Miss Fisher said we can go see the helicopter, so we lined up in a straight line and walked quietly to the gate. When we got there we stopped as fast as we could. We wanted to cross the road but we needed permission. Some of Room 12 said, "we can dodge the cars." While we were walking back slowly to the classroom for writing we suddenly saw the helicopter in the blue sky. Then we saw other classes. They wanted to look at the helicopter too. We jumped as high as we could to see the helicopter. When the helicopter had disappeared we slowly walked back to class feeling amazed because we got to see the red helicopter. 

Woosh! I saw the helicopter buzzing like a bee in the sky and it was awesome! Then it was zooming like an eagle in the sky. We ran to the window and begged Miss Fisher to take us outside to have a look. We lined up like soldiers. We went outside and we were talking about the big helicopter. We heard the helicopter's propeller spinning around really fast. When we saw the helicopter it was as loud as a shark. Next we heard people shouting like a magpie. The footpath was as hard as a rock floating down the hills. The helicopters colours were black, white and red. It was as ginormous as a bear. Next we went back to class. We were writing when we heard a loud noise like a bee poking us. I saw the sun shining like my heart beating. I love the sun it is so shiny and it's lovely like a diamond in the sky. I love the sky because its my favourite colour. It is like a blue bird flying. The helicopters propeller was spinning like a ballerina. Finally the helicopter disappeared like a magician doing magic in his hat. It flew to the top of the blue sky and we tiptoed back to class.

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