Saturday 22 March 2014


Room 12 loves swimming! We go swimming once a week with Room 15 to build our water confidence.
 We have been learning how to enter and exit the pool safely, submerge and blow bubbles, float like a starfish and glide on our front and back. 
 We wrote some recounts about our swimming experiences.
We have been working hard to start our stories with a 
'hook sentence' so that the reader wants to read more.

Splash! Suddenly I felt the cool water bubbling around my feet. Miss Fisher took us to the swimming pool. My swimming side is the far side because I am a confident swimmer. Next we climbed into the pool. When I was waiting for everyone to come in the pool I had a little play around. Once everyone was in we did some kicking and floating like a starfish. After that we got out and we went into the stinky changing room. In the changing room I got changed and then got into line.

Splash! Suddenly I felt the cool bubbling water. We went swimming with Room 15. We go swimming so that we can learn how to be safe in the water. First we hopped in the cool pool and waited for people in the hot sun. Next everyone hopped into the pool. We then practiced kicking and our floating starfish. After that we practiced gliding. Finally we hopped out of the cool, bubbling water and we got changed into our uniform. We sat on the hot concrete and waited. We lined up, walked back to class and sat on the mat.

Splash! I felt the cold water bubbling around my body. The water was refreshing. I felt excited. First we went into the stinky, yellow changing room. The changing room was as stinky as a skunk. We got changed and then went and sat down on the hard concrete and we waited and waited! I wondered how refreshing the swimming pool could be. After that Room 12 and Room 15 went inside the swimming pool. We had a little play around in the pool. We splashed each other and then we got into our groups with Miss Humphries and Miss Fisher. We did some floating starfish, practiced our kicking, blew some bubbles, submerged and practiced our gliding. Then we climbed out of the pool and went and got changed. I love swimming because the pool is refreshing. Sometimes I don't like the swimming pool because it is so so so so so hot! That is why I asked Miss Humphries if I could get out of the swimming pool but she said no.

Yesterday Room 12 and Room 15 went to the swimming pool. We got into the stinky changing room and then we sat on the hot ground. The hot sun was shining on me. Then we got into the swimming pool and had a little play around. Then we had to blow bubbles and get a board. We swam with the board and we kicked with the board too. When it was time to get out of the pool we went into the changing room to get changed. We got out of the changing room and we sat on the ground and waited to go back to Room 12.

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