Tuesday 28 October 2014

Mum's New Shoes

As part of their reading follow up activity for the story 'Mum's New Shoes' the octopuses had to design a new pair of shoes for mum. They then had to create an advertisement for their shoes on pic collage. 
Have a look at Adrian and Micah's poster...


Room 12 have been learning to find fractions of shapes. They created these edu-creations to share their learning...

Click on a name below to view their creation :)

Jack & Alina           Prisha & Prianka  

Khushi & Mischa        Anchal & Siraj 

Kyza & Danyon          Jaiveer & Alex

Amelia    Ben          Kayla & Micah     

Bryan & Anchal         Joanna & Liam

Friday 24 October 2014

Colar Mix

Today we had some fun with a new i-pad app called Colar Mix. This is an app that turns our pictures 3D! 
Have a look at our Diwali pictures :)

Diwali Candles

Have a look at these beautiful candles we created for Diwali! We made them from salt dough and placed a tea light candle inside. We had so much fun painting and decorating them with jewels and glitter. We are so proud of how they turned out! 
Here are some photos of our finished product...

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali from Room 12!
Room 12 had a wonderful day celebrating Diwali! 
Thank you to all those students who dressed up :) 
It was wonderful seeing so many bright colours. 
You all looked beautiful! 

Thursday 23 October 2014


This term for science we are looking at systems.
Today we defined a system and came up with examples of different systems in our world.
Have a look at the pic collages we made...

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Poi Performance

Here is the video of our poi performance from last term...

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Shark's Poems

Here are some of the Shark's poems they wrote as a reading follow up activity last week...

Saturday 18 October 2014

Fraction Pizzas!

Last week Room 12 cooked up a storm! We made Fraction Pizzas topped with our favourite ingredients.
Here are some photos of us hard at work...


Yesterday a helicopter landed outside our school! 

Friday 17 October 2014

The octopuses have been working on reading with expression. Here is a video of Mischa reading an excerpt from the story 'Mr Whisper's Sore Ears'. 
She did a fantastic job adjusting her voice for each of the different characters.

Monday 13 October 2014


With the end of the year creeping upon us we decided to reflect on our learning from last term and set some goals for this term. Our goal had to link to one aspect of our learning and we had to explain how we are going to achieve our goal. 
Here are our Term 4 goals...


Just a reminder that the children need to have their sunhat at school this term. 
The school hat can be purchased from  http://www.argyleonline.co.nz/Halsey-Drive_359.aspx 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Poi Performance

Last term we performed our poi dance at full school assembly. We looked great dressed in our black t-shirts and moari headbands. 
Thank you to all those parents who came and supported us! Here are some photos of our performance :) 

Friday 3 October 2014

Japanese Blossoms

Last Friday we had lots of fun creating Japanese Blossoms (Thanks Room 11 for the great idea!)
We firstly had to put a blob of dye on our piece of paper and blow really hard through a straw to spread the dye out over the paper to look like branches. We then made some different shades of pink using the white and pink paint. We had lots of fun finger painting the blossoms onto the branches.
Have a look at these photos of us creating our beautiful Japanese Blossoms...