Thursday 25 September 2014

Guide Dogs

After yesterdays visit from Leila we decided to research some more information about guide dogs.
We identified some key ideas and created a pic collage sharing our new learning... 


Yesterday we had a very special visitor come visit us in Room 12. Noah's mum bought their puppy Leila into class for us to meet. Leila is a very special dog because she is training to be a guide dog. 
Thank you so much Mrs Pin for taking time out of your day to bring Leila into meet us and for teaching us about guide dogs. We loved meeting Leila and thought she was just wonderful!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Cultural Diversity - Clothing

As part of our inquiry unit on Cultural Diversity we have been looking at clothing from different cultures. Some children from Room 12 brought in clothing from their culture to share with the rest of the class. 
Here are some photos of the students dressed in their cultures clothing...





Monday 22 September 2014

Letters to Room 18

Our letters to Room 18 are all ready to be delivered :)

Telling the Time

These past few weeks we have been learning how to tell the time. Here is a link to great website that children can practise with at home :)


Just a reminder that the Year 2s will be performing their poi dance at full school assembly this Friday at 1:30pm. 
Could the students please bring a named black t-shirt to school by Wednesday to wear during the performance.
 Feel free to come along on Friday and support Room 12 and the other Year 2 students. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Letters From Room 18

Yesterday we received letters from our friends in Room 18. They were such lovely letters which had been decorated so beautifully. We have been busy this week replying to our pen pal. Here are a few photos of us receiving our letters :)

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Koru Art

Have a look at our amazing koru designs!
For this unit we learnt about warm and cool colours and  created a contrast between our koru and our background. We also learnt how to blend colours. 
We had lots of fun creating these korus and are so proud of how they turned out. 

Thank you Letters

We have been learning how to write a letter. 
Last week we did a wonderful job writing thank you letters to our parent helpers that came with us to the museum. 
We used the correct letter format and shared some of our favourite museum experiences.  
Here are a few of our lovely letters...

Wednesday 10 September 2014


As part of our inquiry unit on cultural diversity we have been looking at art from different cultures. 
Today we were so lucky to have Khushi's mum and friend come in and do Mehndi on our hands.
Have a look at these photos to see some of the beautiful patterns and designs...

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Multiplication Masters

The Spheres and Pyramids have been learning to understand and solve multiplication problems. 
They created these educreations to share their learning...

Ben     Rohan    Noah     Bryan