Thursday 31 July 2014

Grandpa's New Scooter

Today a few of the seahorses read the book 
‘Grandpa’s New Scooter’.
They then had to create a pic collage describing Grandpa’s scooter. They had to include a title, a picture of the scooter, 10 ideas describing the scooter, their name and photo.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Shark's Awesome Poems

Today the sharks reading group read a poem from their junior journal called 'Down on the Farm'.
They then had a go at writing their own version of the poem. They tried really hard to use rhyming words and the correct poem structure. They did a really good job!
They published their poems on pic collage. 
Have a read of their awesome poems...

Tuesday 29 July 2014


Today the Starfish read an article about the takapu. 
They then had to identify some of the key points from the text and create a pic collage sharing their learning. 
Their pic collage needed to include a title, three photos, five facts about the takapu, their name and a photo of themselves. They also needed to make sure that their pic collage was visually appealing.  
They did a terrific job!

Friday 25 July 2014

Plastic Bags

We are making poi as part of our inquiry unit this term and need plastic bags. If you have any spare plastic bags lying around at home, don't let them go to waste! We would love to have them :)

Saturday 5 July 2014


Meet Room 12's newest class member Turbo!
This week we had fun creating a robot to help us in the classroom.Turbo has lots of cool and interesting parts that makes him a very useful robot for our classroom.

If you would like to know more about how Turbo works have a read of some of our excellent explanations :)

Turbo is Room 12's robot. He lives in our classroom and helps us with our learning. 

Turbo has a siren on his head so that when robbers come in the siren will go off.

Turbo has wires on his head that helps him to get internet signals.

Turbo has eyes that help him see when robbers come in.

He has a mouth that helps him to eat rocks and drink water.

Turbo's ears are our class' noise control. When the noise is too high Turbo's ears go red.

Turbo has a computer that helps him to connect to the internet. 

Turbo has three buttons that each control each one of his parts. One turns on the brooms, the other turns on the air conditioner and the third turns on the siren.

Turbo has arms that sweep the floor and his feet help him run really fast. 

All Turbo's parts work amazingly together to make our classroom a safe a happy learning place.

Room 12 has an amazing robot, his name is Turbo. Turbo lives in the classroom and helps us with our work.

He has a siren on his head which flashes red when robbers come into the classroom.

Turbo has wires that help him turn on the internet.

He has two eyes that glow in the dark.

Turbo has a mouth that tells us off when we are not on our best behaviour.

He has ears that flash red when it is too loud in the classroom.

Turbo has a computer which connects to the internet and lets us watch you tube when we want to.

He has three buttons that turn on different things. One turns on the TV, one turns on the games and one turns on the music.

Turbo has arms that catch robbers when they try and touch something.

He has feet that vacuum the floor when it is dirty.

Room 12 love Turbo and all his parts work together to make our classroom a better place to be.

Our class has made a robot his name is Turbo and he lives next to the whiteboard in Room 12. 

On top of his head is a siren that flashes red and blue when robbers break into the classroom.

On each side of the siren is one wire. They both catch the wifi and the internet.

Turbo has two eyes that shoot out lasers that give electric shocks to robbers.

Turbo has one mouth that tells us when we are not working. It is also an air conditioner to keep our class cool.

Turbo has got two ears that are our noise control. When his ears flash red that means the noise level is too loud in our class and we have to be quiet.

Turbo has a computer on his tummy. We can play games and we can listen to music.

Turbo helps us with our work. He is awesome!

Turbo is a robot. He lives in Room 12.

Turbo has a siren on top of his head. The siren is for scaring away robbers. It flashes red and blue.

He has wires that pick up the internet signals.

His eyes shoot out lasers to give electric shocks to robbers.

Turbo has a mouth that spits out water for us to drink. Turbo can blow hot air and cold air.

Turbo's ears tell us to be a bit quiet by flashing when we are too noisy.

Turbo's computer lets us play games, youtube and music.

Turbo has three buttons that turn on the vacuum cleaner, alarms and brooms.

Turbo's arms have brooms to sweep the floor and his feet are vacuum cleaners.

Turbo's parts work effectively together to keep our classroom tidy. He is very helpful.

Turbo is a robot in our classroom. He helps us with our learning. 

The siren on his head is for when baddies break in. The siren lights up red and blue.

The wires are on his head and they're used for getting an internet signal from the sky tower. 

His eyes shoot out lasers when robbers come into the classroom.

His mouth tells us off when we are being silly.

Turbo's ears are for when our class noise level is too loud. They flash orange and red.

The computer plays cool music.

Turbo has three buttons. The first button is to make the brooms sweep the floor so it is kept tidy. The second button makes the vacuum cleaner suck up dirt. The third button turns on the alarms so that the classroom is safe.

The arms move down so that the brooms can clean the floor.

The feet move so that he can come to our table when we are being silly and tell us to get back on task.

Turbo's parts work really well to make our classroom a happy place to be.

There is a robot in our classroom. He lives next to the whiteboard and he is called Turbo and he helps us with our learning.

Turbo has a siren on top of his head that flashes when robbers break into the classroom.

He has wires that can electrocute people and he has eyes that can shoot out lasers.

Turbo has a mouth that can tell us when we are off task and it is also an air conditioner.

The eyes tell us when it is too noisy. They flash telling us to put our noise level down.

Turbo's computer is a camera to video robbers if they come into our classroom.

Turbo's three buttons turn on the siren and the computer. They also turn on the vacuum cleaner.

Turbo's arms can sweep the floor with his sweepers at night.

Turbo's feet vacuum the floor to suck up the dirt.

All of Turbo's parts work together to make our classroom a happy learning place.