Friday 27 June 2014

Non Standard Units of Measure

Today we were very lucky to have Miss Gilchrist come in and teach us how to use educreations. We made an educreation showing ways of measuring classroom objects using non standard units of measure.

Click on the links below to view our educreations...

Joanna & Amelia    Ben & Micah           Liam & Anchal

Kayla & Alex           Danyon & Khushi   Kyza & Jaiveer

Alina & Prisha        Eliza & Brianna       Noah & Adrian   

Siraj & Mischa        Bryan, Nikhil & Rohan                

Saturday 21 June 2014

Gruffalo Character Descriptions

We have been writing character descriptions based on characters from books that we are reading. 
We had a go at making our own describe map and writing a description to go with it based on a character from the story 'The Gruffalo'. 

Saturday 7 June 2014

The Rainbow Fish

WALT Write a Narrative
For the past few weeks we have been retelling the story of 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister. We have been looking at the characters, setting, problem and solution. We worked hard to make sure we sequenced our ideas and added lots of detail to make our writing more interesting. 

Here are some of our awesome narratives...

Once upon a time in the blue, sparkling sea there lived a beautiful Rainbow Fish. His scales shimmered like a golden star. The other fish thought it would be a good idea to ask her to play with them but she would just turn around and come gliding past. The cute little bubbling blue fish carefully swam up to shimmering Rainbow Fish and politely tapped her and said, "can I have one of your sparkly scales? I have none and you have so many." Rainbow Fish said "no" very loudly and the little blue fish swam away very quickly as he was quite upset about it. The little blue fish swam sadly up to his fishy friends and told them what had happened. They were furious. They had nothing to do with Rainbow Fish and stopped talking to her because they were mad. One warm afternoon Rainbow Fish found herself very lonely and very upset. She carefully swam up to her little friend the starfish . The starfish was sitting on a rock and said, "I can't help you, but you can go visit the wise octopus and she will help you." The Rainbow Fish thought this was a good idea because the wise octopus had lots of knowledge in her brain. So Rainbow Fish swam through the rainbow coral until she finally reached the octopus' cave. It was spooky and dark. The octopus emerged from the purple liquid and said, "I have been waiting for you, the waves have been telling me your story." "Really?" said Rainbow Fish. "How can you help me?" "If you give every fish in the ocean one of your glimmering scales you will learn how to be happy" said the octopus. "No! I can't give away my beautiful scales. How can I be happy without them?" said Rainbow Fish. The wise octopus said "you wont be the most beautiful fish but you will discover how to be happy." Rainbow Fish was surprised she didn't know the large octopus was going to say that unusual thing. Rainbow Fish didn't like that idea. She loved her scales more than anything. Rainbow Fish swam away and her scales glimmered in the sun like bells chiming. Later that day the little blue fish came up to Rainbow Fish and tapped her lightly on the fin. "Rainbow Fish, please don't be angry. I just want one little scale" said the little blue fish. Rainbow Fish thought for a bit. "Maybe I wont miss just one little scale" she said and passed him the smallest scale. "Thank you very much" said the little blue fish. He swam back and forth with his new shiny scale that swayed in the air like a rainbow lorikeet. Soon the other fish noticed the little blue fish swimming back and forth with his new shiny scale. All the other fish wanted a sparkling scale too. Rainbow Fish was soon giving away her scales left and right, up high and down low. Rainbow Fish discovered that sharing is caring.

Once upon a time there was a sparkly rainbow fish who lived in the deep, blue ocean. All the other fish asked the sparkly, shimmering rainbow fish to come and play with them but Rainbow Fish just zoomed past letting her scales shine. One day a little blue fish followed Rainbow Fish and lightly tapped him on the fin. He politely asked Rainbow Fish for one of his scales. Rainbow Fish said, "no" very angrily and little blue fish started to cry. The little blue fish told all his friends what had happened and no one had anything to do with the Rainbow Fish. Rainbow Fish went to visit the little red starfish who was on the ocean floor. The little starfish told him to go and visit the wise octopus. The octopus was in a deep, dark cave and he had big, long tentacles that were like snakes. He was dark purple. He told Rainbow Fish to give one scale to all the other fish. "You will discover that you are not the most beautiful fish in the ocean." The little fish came again and said, "please Rainbow Fish, please can I have just one little scale? Just one tiny scale." Rainbow Fish thought for a while and said, "I wont miss just one." So he gave one little scale to the little blue fish and he told all the other fish. Rainbow fish gave his scales out left and right until everyone had one shiny scale each. Everyone felt happy. The other fish said, "Rainbow Fish come and play with us!" And he did.

Once upon a time a lovely white, pink, blue and purple sparkly fish lived in the deep water. He was so beautiful, all the other fish wanted to play with him but he said "no!" Then Rainbow Fish went away and they all stopped talking to Rainbow Fish. Rainbow Fish was grumpy then Rainbow Fish did not have any friends to play with so he went to visit the wise octopus. The wise octopus was the biggest and cleverest creature in all of the ocean. He told Rainbow Fish that the other fish will like him if he shares some colourful scales with them. He will then have friends. Then another fish tapped Rainbow Fish. It was a little fish. He asked Rainbow Fish for a shiny scale. Rainbow Fish gave one scale to the little fish and he was happy. Then he gave his scales to all the other fish. Rainbow Fish felt happy because he had friends.

Once upon a time there was a shimmering, shiny fish called Rainbow Fish. He had wonderful scales that gleamed like a peacock feather. He lived in the clear, shiny, blue ocean with all the other fish. The other fish wanted to play with Rainbow Fish but he just ignored them. A little blue fish politely asked him for one of his scales but he loudly said "no!" The little blue fish told his other friends what had happened. After that no one liked Rainbow Fish anymore and he felt sad too. Then Rainbow Fish went to meet the wise octopus. He helps everyone. The wise octopus told Rainbow Fish to share his scales with the other fish. Little Blue Fish touched Rainbow Fish's scales and Rainbow Fish gave him one of his scales. The little blue fish showed off his new scales and the other fish wanted a shiny scale too. Rainbow Fish shared his scales with the other fish until he only had one scale left and it was the big scale. Rainbow Fish felt happy because he had lots of friends and all the other fish were happy too. 

Once upon a time there was a beautiful shiny rainbow fish that lived in the deep deep blue ocean. One day all the other fish asked Rainbow Fish to play with them but he just zoomed past like a cheetah and they felt upset. One day a little dark blue fish asked politely for one of his scales but Rainbow Fish got angry and said "no!" The little blue fish was upset and he told the other fish what had happened. They all stopped talking to the colourful rainbow fish. Then Rainbow Fish went to see his little friend the red sparkly starfish and asked him why the other fish aren't his friends, but the starfish couldn't answer it. The starfish told Rainbow Fish to go to the wise octopus. Rainbow fish went to the wise octopus as fast as a motorbike on a race track. He got to the wise octopus' cave and the octopus came out of a black cloud of ink. He opened his eyes and the rainbow fish felt scared. The wise octopus said, "the waves have been telling me your story." He told the rainbow fish to give away some of his shiny scales. Rainbow Fish said "no" to the octopus but the octopus was already back in the cloud of smudged ink. The next day the little blue fish came to a shiny, cool place where the rainbow fish was and again the little blue fish asked for one little shiny scale, just one little scale. Rainbow Fish passed one of his little scales to the little blue fish. Little Blue Fish told everybody that Rainbow Fish has given him one of his glimmering scales. The other fish asked Rainbow Fish for one of his scales too. He was giving his scales away left and right and back and forwards, then all that Rainbow Fish had left was one scale and that made him happy. The other fish were so happy that they asked him to play with them. He said, "here I come" and he was still beautiful like a rainbow in the sky.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Wild Self

This week we have been writing character descriptions.
We have been trying really hard to use lots of descriptive language like adjectives and similes.

We had lots of fun creating a Wild Self on the computer and making them look crazy and silly. 
If you want to have a go of making your own Wild Self the website is

Have a read of our crazy character descriptions...