Friday 30 May 2014

Sunflower Art

Here is a glimpse of some of our beautiful sunflowers that we painted! We tried really hard to use up all the white space and paint carefully within the lines. 
We did such a good job!

Wednesday 28 May 2014


We asked ourselves the question:

Can we change food by heating it?

Our hypothesis was that when popcorn is heated it will pop because all the molecules will start to move away from each other.

First we poured popcorn kernels into the popcorn machine and shut the lid.  

Then we turned on the popcorn machine.  

The machine heated the kernels and they started to pop!

We ate the popcorn. Yum!

The Results:
When we heated the popcorn it started to pop! We can change food by heating it. We can change other foods like ice-cream, water, bread and chocolate by heating them too.

Wednesday 21 May 2014


This term we have been looking at change. We have asked ourselves the question 'Can We Make Change Happen?'
We are doing lots of fun experiments with different foods to see whether or not we can change them by heating or cooling. 

For our first experiment we asked the question:
Can we change a liquid into a solid?

Our hypothesis was that if we put water into the freezer it will turn into ice.


First we put some water into a tray. The water was cold and it moved a lot. 

We then put the tray into the freezer and left it there overnight.

The next day we took the tray out of the freezer and the water had turned into ice. It was really cold and really hard.

We found that we CAN turn a liquid into a solid!

What is it that makes water freeze?
Room 12 did some investigating…
Everything is made up of little molecules. These molecules are always moving. As water gets colder their molecules start to slow down and expand. They join together to form a solid.

We then asked ourselves the question...
Can we turn a solid back into a liquid?

Our hypothesis was that if we put the ice cubes somewhere warm they will start to melt.

We put the ice cubes on a desk in the sun and they slowly began to melt and turn back into a liquid.

We found that we CAN change a solid into a liquid!

What is it that turns a solid to a liquid?
Room 12 did some more investigating…
As the molecules in the solid begin to heat up they start to move faster and separate from the other molecules.