Friday 25 April 2014

Bucket Fillers

We have been reading the book 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?' by Carol McLeod and looking at what it means to be a bucket filler and a bucket dipper. 
In Room 12 we try really hard to ensure that we are always filling up each others buckets to make our classroom a happy learning place. But what exactly does this mean?....

Have a look at this short film we created explaining what it means to be a bucket filler :)

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Room 12 LOVE art! We had so much creating masks out of hessian. Firstly we made a clay mask making sure that our features really popped out. We then wrapped our masks in glad wrap and moulded PVA covered hessian to our mask. We had to count to 100 while holding the hessian to the mask to make sure that it stayed in place. Our hands got really tired! Once the hessian had dried and hardened we took it off the clay mask and decorated it. We had lots of fun choosing paints and materials to decorate our mask. 

Thank you Mrs Strang for this cool idea and for all your help!

Here are some photos of our masks.
 Look at how creative we are!

Friday 4 April 2014

Foam Painting

On Friday we did a foam painting language experience. 
We had lots of fun mixing the primary colours and making cool patterns and designs. The foam felt gooey and slimy! 

Have a read of some of our foam painting recounts.
We tried really hard to add lots of detail and descriptive language!

Squirt! The foam came onto my piece of paper. The foam was so squishy. Room 12 made foam paintings. We made them because we were learning about the primary colours. Next we spread the foam onto the newspaper. After that I got a chopstick and I spread it over the foam, it looked like a fluffy cloud on the paper. It was so so so amazing. After that I got the primary colours from Miss Fisher and then I put them on the foam and mixed them. It was like a rainbow and one part was like a wave. Next I got a piece of paper and put it on the foam and then I wrote my name on it. After that I got my ruler and shaved off all the foam. I was happy.

Splat! I felt the foam on my piece of paper. The foam was squishy and puffy. The foam  was slimy. We did foam painting because we wanted to learn about the primary colours. We did it on Friday but Kyza and Ben did it on Tuesday. First we put the foam on the newspaper. Next we put a drop of each of the primary colours on the foam. After that we swirled the primary colours and then we saw some other colours like green, orange, purple and brown. Finally we used a ruler to scrape the rest of the foam colours off. We saw a lovely pattern. The pattern was a swirly and colourful pattern. I loved my colourful and beautiful pattern. I made a fantastic picture.

Splat! The foam sprayed on my paper so fast that it scared me. We did it in Room 12. We did foam painting because we wanted to learn about the primary colours. We did it on a sunny friday afternoon. We had a piece of newspaper. We put it on the table and then we put foam on top of it. After that we put the primary colours onto the foam. The primary colours are red, yellow and blue. Once we had done that we got a piece of paper and gently pressed it onto the foam. We gently pulled it up and we saw a fantastic, pretty pattern. Miss Fisher took a photo of us holding our pictures. I felt fabulous!

On Tuesday I did foam painting. I did it in my classroom. I did foam painting because I wanted to learn about the primary colours and it was awesome. Next I spread the foam on my newspaper. Secondly I put food colouring on it. The colours were blue, red and yellow. After that I got a chopstick and I swirled it all together. Once I had done that I got a piece of paper and pushed it gently on the coloured foam. When I pulled off the paper I saw a pattern.

On Friday we did foam painting in room 12. We did it because we are learning about the three primary colours and we did it in our classroom. We were so crazy and it was so yucky! We put the paper on top of the foam and we made lots of patterns. We gently pulled the paper up and we were excited because we had never done it before.