Saturday 22 February 2014


This term we have been looking at how to gather data using a tally graph. We then learnt how to display this data using a pictograph and a bar graph. We had lots of fun learning about each other and finding out information about our class. 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Planting Sunflowers

We have been learning how to write a recount. 
Our recounts need to have:
- a beginning (who,what, when, where, why) 
- a middle (What we did) 
- an end (how did this experience make me feel)

We have been working on using time words to help us sequence our ideas.

Have a read of some of our sunflower recounts. 
Look at some of the wonderful adjectives and similes that they use!

On Wednesday we planted sunflowers. It was an awesome, sunny, beautiful day. We did it on the field and Room 12 was feeling awesome because it was a sunny day and we like sunny days. Firstly we lined up and went to the field. After that Miss Fisher showed us what to do and then Room 12 lined up and did it themselves. We put soil in the pot and then we put the seeds in the hole. Finally we lined up and went back to class. I had never planted sunflowers before. After 3 days our sunflowers began to grow a little twig. I like planting sunflowers.

On Wednesday Room 12 planted sunflowers and the sun was shining like a diamond. Room 12 felt excellent. We put the seeds in the pot and we had a little play. Then we went back to class and we put the sunflowers on the window sill and watched them grow and grow. A few days later it was a beautiful sunflower. I love watching my sunflower grow.

On Wednesday Room 12 planted sunflowers. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The sun was shining like an amazing star and I felt excited. The sun was very hot. First we lined up to go to the field. Next we got in a circle and Miss Fisher showed us what to do. Then we lined up and Miss Fisher gave us a pot and we put some dirt in it and Miss Fisher gave us seeds. Then we waited for the other people. After that we went back to class and watered it. We were so so excited! I felt happy.

On Wednesday Room 12 went out to plant sunflowers. It was a beautiful day. The sun was rising like a star, it was so hot. I felt excited! I loved that day. Firstly we went into partners. Then we lined up. When we got to the field the whole class was chatting. I was so so excited! I loved it. Miss Fisher showed us how to plant the seed then I did it. First I put soil in the pot and then I put some seeds in. Then we went back to class and we watered it. I cant wait to see it grow.

On Wednesday Room 12 planted some sunflowers and the sun was shining like the stars. I felt happy. First Miss Fisher gave us a pot. First we got into pairs and lined up. Then we got to put the soil in the pot. Then we lined up and we watered it next to the field. Then we went back to class and my partner was Noah. Miss Fisher watered it and I felt happy.

Friday 7 February 2014

We are Room 12!

In Room 12 we have lots of wonderful qualities that make us fantastic learners!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Welcome to Room 12's blog! 
Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
We look forward to sharing our learning with you.